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Mark Thomas | November 22, 2014 at 04:31PM | Rating: 6 |
Many thanks to wrench4fred for the explanation. Now that I know what it is I did a quick Google search and it can be quite serious for an aircraft, possibly indicating de laminating skin panels and stress related problems in the airframe! Obviously this bird has been okayed to fly across an ocean! I've also seen it on some older Air Canada 767's. Very interesting and a little troubling! |
wrench4fred | November 22, 2014 at 05:32AM | Rating: 10 |
Nice shot, the ripples you are referring to are caused by a phenomenon called oil canning and can be found on narrow bodied Boeing airframes that generally have of flight cycles. They can be found on Classic 737`s (-200,-300 ,-400) 757`s as well as B-52`s. |